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Your Exterior Spring Maintenance Checklist

Posted by premierottawa on March 10, 2021

Your Exterior Spring Maintenance Checklist

As days get longer and warmer, it’s hard not to get excited for the onset of spring. The arrival of green grass and spring flowers will be a welcome sight after a long winter indoors. While we can’t make the warm weather come any quicker, we can use this time to get our homes ready for the change in seasons. 

Whether you’re prepping for a spring sale or are just eager for warmer weather, there’s a lot you can do to get your home ready. Here are six items that should be on your exterior spring maintenance checklist. 


Clear Large Snowbanks Away from the House

Spring melts can bring a lot of water. And if the ground isn’t fully thawed, all that water won’t have anywhere to go. Water runoff can seep through cracks in your foundation and lead to mould, water damage or even structural issues. Help protect your foundation by clearing large snow drifts away from your house and garage before they melt.


Check the Gutters

Like the snow on the ground, the snow and ice on your roof will also melt as temperatures start to rise. Winter can be hard on eavestrough, leaving it filled with debris or even broken from the weight of the ice. 

Before spring showers start and bring even more water, you should inspect your eavestrough and make any necessary repairs. If your rain gutters and downspouts aren’t clear, all that water will pool around your foundation, potentially causing damage. For maximum effectiveness, ensure your gutters are free of leaks and that downspouts direct water at least five feet away from your foundation. 


Inspect the Roof

Snow and ice can also cause a lot of damage to your roof. When you live in a climate like Ottawa, the many freeze-thaw cycles can create ice dams that hinder drainage from your roof. If the ice backs up, it can cause roof leaks that can make their way into your attic and insulation.

Once the snow and ice have melted, inspect your roof for cracked or missing shingles. Check the attic for signs of water infiltration and examine the flashing and soffits for damage. This is also a good time to have the chimney cleaned and inspected so you won’t have to worry about it in the fall when demand is high. 


Check Vents During Spring Maintenance

As the snow recedes from around your house, take the time to inspect foundation and wall vents. Look for debris, missing or damaged screens and signs of animal life. These issues are a lot easier to correct if you catch them early rather than waiting until they become big problems later in the season. 


Service Outdoor Equipment

Don’t wait until you need the lawnmower, BBQ or air conditioner to find out they’re not working. While you’re anxiously awaiting the arrival of grilling weather, take the time to inspect and test your outdoor equipment. Especially if they spent the winter outdoors in Ottawa! 

Metal parts can rust or seize over the winter, so take the time to clean and oil all working parts and scrape away any rust that has accumulated. You should also check for rodent damage and nests. Critters have a tendency to take shelter in BBQs and lawnmowers over the winter which can cause quite a mess. Not only will they clog up working parts, they also like to chew hoses and gaskets. 


Get Your Gardens Ready 

Curb appeal is everything, and a lush green lawn can make you the envy of the neighbourhood. Start with a good spring clean-up to prep your lawn and gardens at the beginning of the season. To avoid damaging new plant growth, try to do spring maintenance as soon as the snow has cleared. Clean up debris, leaves and fallen branches that have collected over the winter and prune any unsafe or dead branches from trees and shrubs. 

Spring is also a good time to stop weeds before they start to spread. A round of spring fertilizer and weed control can help promote lawn growth and stop common grass killers. 


Don’t wait until the warm weather is here to start your spring maintenance. By getting it all out of the way now, you’ll have more time to enjoy the sun when it arrives.

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