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Eight Easy Ways to Reduce Your Heating Bills This Winter

Posted by premierottawa on October 20, 2021


Living in Ottawa in the winter has a lot of perks. The world’s longest skating rink, great ski trails, and Winterlude are just some of the ways you get to enjoy winter in the Nation’s Capital. But winter in Ottawa also comes with a side of bad weather, cold temperatures, and bigger heating bills. If you’re looking for ways to keep those energy costs down, here are eight great tips to help you lower your heating bills this winter. 


1. Install a Programmable Thermostat

You probably know that lowering the temperature in your house at night or when you’re not home can add up to significant savings. But it’s tough to remember to stay on top of changing the temperature yourself. That’s why a programmable thermostat is such a no-brainer. You just have to set it and forget it. Your house will always be the optimal temperature and you’ll save money too. 


2. Go Ahead and Get Cozy

Dressing for the weather doesn’t just apply outdoors. Instead of turning up the heat, turn to layers, warm sweaters, and fuzzy slippers to help you stay warm inside. Leave blankets wherever your family likes to gather and add area rugs to make rooms extra cozy. If you’re dressed for it, you won’t even notice that your house is a few degrees cooler than normal. 


3. Make Your Home Smarter to Save Energy 

Smart technology offers a number of ways to reduce your energy usage. Smart thermostats can learn your preferences and will adjust to always keep your home at the perfect temperature whether you’re at home or away. And smart lights can be programmed to turn off and on at certain times, ensuring you never leave the lights on. You can also add motion sensors to high traffic areas like hallways and bathrooms, so the lights come on when you need them and stay off the rest of the time. 


4. Annual Furnace Maintenance Can Lower Heating Bills

Like any other mechanical equipment, your furnace requires regular maintenance in order to operate its best. An annual inspection and cleaning will ensure your furnace is working efficiently and is safe to use. You should also change your furnace air filters at the beginning of the season. This will improve indoor air quality and help keep your furnace clean and running smoothly.  


5. Unplug Appliances to Reduce Energy Consumption

You may think your appliances stop consuming energy once you turn them off. But many household electronics continue to use “phantom power” even when shut down. Computers, digital media boxes, and gaming consoles often perform background tasks that use energy when you’re not using them. Likewise, anything with lights, a clock or LED display will also continue to draw power when not in use. 

The average home has as many as 40 products that use phantom power. While individually they don’t consume a lot of power, collectively they can account for as much as 10% of your electricity bill. To reduce the problem, put electronics on an energy-saving power bar that can be turned off with a single switch and unplug other devices when not in use.


6. Keep the Hot Air In

A considerable amount of heat loss can occur through drafty windows, doors and vents. But just a few simple and inexpensive fixes can help make your home more airtight. Add weather stripping around drafty doors and cover windows that feel cold with plastic film for a noticeably warmer home. You can also insulate electrical outlets and attic hatches to stop drafts from entering there. And don’t forget to check exhaust fans and vents to ensure they vent to the outside and close tightly when not in use. 


7. Update Your Appliances

You can save energy and as a result, money by replacing old, inefficient appliances with new energy-efficient models. For example, an ENERGY STAR® certified dishwasher uses an average of 12% less energy and 30% less water than a standard model. That means you save not only on your energy bill but on your water bill as well. There may even be incentives in your area that offer savings on certain energy-efficient upgrades. 


8. Consider Equal Billing

Many energy providers offer the choice between monthly or equal billing. While it won’t actually lower your heating bills, switching to an equal billing plan will ensure your energy bill is the same every month. This will prevent any outrageous bills in the winter and help make budgeting easier. 


Don’t let high heating bills ruin your winter. Try these tips to help you stay warm and still lower your heating bills this winter. 

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