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Top 8 Home Decorating Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Posted by premierottawa on October 27, 2023

Sometimes, knowing what not to do is just as important as knowing all the rules. When it comes to decorating, interior design mistakes can throw off your whole room. But just a few small tweaks can turn your space from merely OK to outstanding! We’re letting you in on eight of the most common interior design mistakes so you can spot them and fix them for an even more fabulous home.


1.      Working without a Plan

Like any project, you’re going to get the best results if you start with a plan. These 3 steps will help give your home a more cohesive look, so everything flows and feels intentional.

1 – Define your style

2 – Choose a colour scheme

3 – Determine the function of the room


Before you start shopping, look at each room in your home and decide how it could best function for your family. Then choose pieces that work together to achieve that goal. Don’t be swayed by trends and pretty things that don’t serve a purpose and don’t fit with your style or colour scheme.

2.      Too Small Area Rug

This may be THE most common home decorating mistake. Area rugs are expensive, so most people end up sizing down. But your room will always look wrong if your rug isn’t large enough to anchor the furniture. Here’s a quick guide to always get the size right:

  • Living room rugs should be large enough to fit at least the front feet of the sofa and loveseat and/or accent chairs on the rug.
  • A dining room rug should be big enough to allow dining chairs to be pulled out from the table and still have all four legs on the rug.
  • Bedroom rugs should extend a minimum of 2 feet from the side of the bed. Choose an 8’ x 10’ rug for a queen bed and 9’ x 12’ for a king size.


3.      Improperly Hung Art

The two most common art mistakes are artwork that is too high or art that is too small for the space. Art should be hung at eye level, but since we’re all different heights, aim for the center of the picture to be 60-65” from the floor.


Small artwork looks lost and out of place on a large wall. It’s rare that a piece is ever too big, so always go bigger when possible. To make a big impact for a small price, shop frames at thrift stores and use online printers to order custom large prints to fit.


4.      Hanging Curtains Too Close to the Window

Another common interior design mistake is hanging curtains too close to the window. Crowding your windows makes them seem smaller and blocks precious natural light.


To create the illusion of larger windows, hang curtains about 2” below the ceiling and choose long curtains that reach almost to the floor. Be sure curtain rods extend far enough past the window frame, so curtains sit well outside the window when open.


5.      Matching Everything

Your home should be an expression of your personal tastes and individual style. If everything comes in a matching set, your space will lack character and interest. Avoid the urge to buy a 5-piece bedroom set or matching sofa and loveseat.


Instead take the time to choose each piece for its function, style, and comfort. Select individual items that complement each other and work together. Look for a similar leg or hardware style and keep pieces in scale.


6.      Only Having One Type of Lighting

The secret to ensuring every room in your home is comfortably lit is to layer your lighting. A combination of overhead lights, wall lights, and floor and table lamps will provide even lighting throughout your home.


The goal is to ensure each room has overall lighting to allow you to move comfortably and safely. As well as task lighting for performing specific activities such as cooking or reading. And accent lighting to highlight noteworthy items such as artwork or architectural features.


7.      Clutter on Display

Eliminating clutter will not only make your home look better, it can also reduce stress and make everyday life easier. To get your clutter under control, start by getting rid of things that are duplicates, damaged or unused. Then find a permanent home for what’s left.


To keep clutter from reappearing, look at where things tend to accumulate in your home and find solutions that work for your specific needs.  If clutter piles up in the entryway, add a console table and baskets to catch what comes in the door. If toys in the living room are a problem, bring in easy storage like an ottoman or chest to hide them away at the end of the day.


8.      Choosing Paint Colour First

It might seem easier to paint your home before you move in or before your new furniture arrives. But this decorating mistake will leave you with walls that don’t match anything in your home. And with the thousands of paint colours available, it’s much easier to match your paint colour to your décor than to find furniture that coordinates with your walls. To get the right colour, choose one that complements your large or fixed items. In the kitchen that’s your floor and countertops, in the living room it’s the sofa and carpet.


If you’ve been thinking something in your home isn’t quite right, maybe our list of the top eight interior design mistakes can help. Do you have an interior design mistake we missed? Let us know in the comments below!

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